Stress is a real and regular part of each of our lives. Yet what we do with our stress in terms of how we approach and work with it will make all the difference to the quality of our life. One of the greatest things that make stress so unpleasant and damaging is our resistance to it. But what if you can learn to positively work with your stress in order to transform it?
Join optimal wellbeing teacher, Evita Ochel and learn the 4 step guide to effective stress transformation. You will learn how to identify real stress in your life, the difference between real and perceived stress, how to work with limitations, put into action positive solutions, and end up with peaceful resolutions. The tools and tips provided will benefit you in every area of your life. You will become more effective in your work and professional life, as well as your home and personal life. You will acquire tools of empowerment to benefit your well-being, as well as your physical, mental, and emotional health.