I can point you in the direction you wish to go, but I cannot walk the path for you.

Evita Ochel

My life passion and purpose involves teaching; I love educating, empowering, and inspiring individuals to experience the highest quality of life possible. Speaking to groups, both big and small, comes naturally to me, and has been one of the most fulfilling and stimulating experiences. It has been an incredibly humbling experience to connect with people whose lives I have had a positive impact on and something that fills me with immense gratitude.

Over the years, I have very much resonated with the Mary Poppins idea when it comes to helping others. The Universe always guides me to be where I am meant to be, to offer some help or value to the lives of others for a specific period. There is always a beautiful blend of purpose, meaning, synchronicity, and divine timing involved.

Then, when the purpose has been fulfilled, each person must proceed on their path and apply the new lessons and guidance as is most right for them. This also fits well with the nature of my being and work, as I never want anyone dependent on me. My work is based on empowering and liberating others to access their wisdom and guidance from within to create what they most desire.

Common Reasons People Seek My Resources

  • To learn how to eat a healthy vegan or whole food, plant-based diet.
  • To learn how to create vegan and plant-based meal ideas, which satisfy various time, financial, geographical, and social constraints.
  • To learn how to overcome stress, anxiety, and worry and live with more ease and inner peace.
  • To learn how to get to the root of any disease through the mind-body connection and heal emotional pain and trauma.
  • To learn how to live authentically and listen to your body, your intuition, and your inner knowing.
  • To learn how to be a conscious life creator, make good choices, and take responsibility for the state of your life.
  • To learn how to live a high-quality life based on purpose, meaning, happiness, satisfaction, and wellbeing.

How I Can Support You

  • Through my online classes and courses. To stay in alignment with my life path, the majority of my teaching and how I reach people takes place through various online platforms. This allows me to provide numerous classes easily to anyone in the world.

  • Through my YouTube videos. Explore the hundreds of free videos available on numerous mind, body, and spirit topics on my Evolving Beings TV and Healthytarian channels on YouTube.

  • Through my books. I have written several books and guides, including Healing & Prevention Through Nutrition, which provides a complete resource to teach people how to eat, what to eat, and why for optimal health, weight, and wellbeing.

  • Through my articles. To date, I have written over a thousand articles on numerous topics that offer ample guidance and resources for the expansion and evolution of the mind, body, and spirit. Depending on your personal needs or interests, I invite you to navigate through my sites — Evolving Beings and Evolving Wellness, which provide articles, essays, recipes, and product reviews.

CONSULTING & COACHING: As of 2018, I have stopped providing personal counseling sessions and do not plan to resume such services for the foreseeable future. If you are seeking a plant-based healthcare provider or nutritionist, please explore the worldwide directories available on Plantbaseddoctors.org or Plantbaseddocs.com to find one.

Feedback From Others About My Work

Throughout the years I have been very blessed to come into contact and connect with many amazing beings who themselves are spreading so much love, beauty, and light in this world. I have been deeply moved and humbled by every note of gratitude, appreciation, and positive feedback that has come my way since I began this work. Some shared several words, others shared long letters of how my work has positively touched their life. Each one left me deeply grateful and humbled and encouraged to keep doing what I am doing.

It is, therefore, an immense pleasure to share some of the most deeply meaningful feedback that has come my way over the years:

Hi Evita!! I am not sure if you remember me. This goes back 11 years ago. You taught me in grade 11 science. I have been browsing your website from time to time over the years, and I have got to say it is because of you that I have changed so much about myself. I have quit drinking alcohol in its entirety for over 10 months now, I am practicing yoga and since taking your class back in high school, I have been diligent and conscious about what goes into my body. I am currently working on a project that focuses on plant-based, organic, and fair trade skincare and your article popped up about the toxins in personal care products. I am very grateful you were my teacher many years ago. You have been an inspiration and the guiding light in my life since then. THANK YOU!

Christina A, (Ontario) — March 2020

You are simply the best I have seen regarding recipes explaining perfectly the nutrition in food…SOO GOOD… You are my muse..Well Done XX

Annie F. (United Kingdom) — October 2019

I am blown away by your videos and teaching technique! You are very knowledgeable and engaging, and you present your material in a very easy to understand format. Your videos are by far some of the best, most comprehensive I’ve ever seen!

Chasity Lindsey (United States) — October 2019

You changed my life Evita Ochel! So I want to thank you, thank you so much, you are such a great teacher, other classes just bore me or just turned me off, they did not express, explain or show how to, like you did. I play the “Eat Real Food” course over and over again, it was great, and the “Cook Real Food” course FANTASTIC*!

Anabel Rivera (United States) — October 2019

Evita, you are a food genius. I have been vegetarian for 10+ years and about to shift to a full vegan diet/lifestyle. I have listened to many experts over the years but I rank your message and style of delivery up there with Dr. Fuhrman.

G.K. — August 2018

You have such an elegant, professional, intelligent and accurate way of expressing yourself dear Evita. It is a great joy to listen to your videos. You seem to have thought of every little detail and present everything wonderfully. :-) This refers to all your videos but also especially your recipe ones :-)

Christina Hees — July 2018

In December of 2012, as my awakening shifted into earnestness, it was a thing so alien to anything I believed, experienced or imagined. I was having a miserable time of it and certain I was losing my mind. Late one night, in crisis and tears of frustration, I punched the bizarre symptoms I was experiencing into Google and you came up. It was a Godsend beyond measure. You are my go-to source for information, inspiration and comfort. My wife thanks you, my children thank you and my soul thanks you!

Paul S. (United States)

Evita is a highly evolved thinker and teacher. Highly recommend. An example of higher love.

Frank Lane, Author of Be in Heaven Now

You shattered my world to the core of my being, and I don’t know how I could ever thank you enough. It is true to say that you have a very great and beautiful impact on my journey (to growth, consciousness expansion, spiritual awakening and living a healthier and overall better life). If it wasn’t for your videos, articles, courses, etc. I wouldn’t have come so far already. Thank you so much, Evita! :) You are such a beautiful, pure and heartwarming soul and everyone who is surrounded by your beautiful presence, whether it be through the internet or otherwise, can count himself/herself lucky and blessed. :)

Denise K. (Germany)

Thank you so much for the work you are doing and the excellent information that you are providing us with. You really are helping to have a positive impact on some of our lives! Your insights were exactly what I was looking for.

Scot P. (United States)

It was a pleasure to be able to listen to Evita’s talk on “Yoga Path of Transformation” at Grail Springs. If I came away with anything from my stay at “the Grail”, I would say Evita’s 2-part speech on the 8 Limbs of Yoga was the most enlightening. I am now subscribing to her youtube channels and plan to incorporate more of her healthytarian way of eating into my diet. I’ve always thought of myself as a healthy eater, but Evita has changed the way I think about healthy eating. Thank you Evita. I’m so grateful I got to hear you and take part in your yoga practice at the Grail, and now find your healthy eating channels.

Susan (Ontario, Canada)

I just discovered your wonderful channel on Youtube. It is awesome you are so open to the truth and consciousness expansion, no matter how uncomfortable some of these truths may be! you’re a great interviewer and it looks like I have a rich archive of videos I need to catch up on! Thank you for your great work!

Joe (CA, United States)

Your work and videos are so amazing and helping me a lot on my journey and I am sure many others will be taking benefits from your work. I would like to thank you (so very much) from the bottom of my heart (Thanks for being on this planet) and wish you all the best with your personal journey too. Thank you Evita.

Sean (New Zealand)

Evita, I just came upon your website yesterday, and I can’t express how much you’ve inspired me to create the life that I love!!!!!!!!!

Julie T.

So THANKFUL for your work….the direct effect your work has had on my life, and the ripples thereafter, have created a huge shift in my being. I’m forever filled with GRATITUDE to you and your lovely, shining Light! With sincere gratitude and thanks.

Kim S. (ON, Canada)

Since I found you online, I have really been inspired to change my way of eating and approach to it. You have really made my eating and thinking of food so much more natural and truly sustainable. My journey to simplicity, natural eating, connecting to my own life more fully is greatly enhanced by your teachings.

Joe D. (United States)

I would like to thank you for your great body of work, and I hope you continue your commitment to teach and enlighten others. Your voice and message have never come at a more crucial time and there truly has never been a more important point in the human history to promote consciousness expansion than right now! Our very survival as a species on this planet hangs in the balance.

Barry (NY, United States)

Once in a while, I meet people who are walking through this world with no shield and no mask. Such people are ready to be inspired and ready to live their lives within the truth of who they are. Evita is such a person. She is a real teacher. She shows us what is possible by being a mirror of that possibility. We are lucky to have her as a guide and as an example of who we are.

Vironika Tugaleva, speaker, teacher, author of The Love Mindset, and founder of The Real Us

I love your interviews, and I love the way you express yourself. I’m from Spain, and your work has been very helpful. You ask the questions that I would like to ask to the people that you are interviewing. I resonate with your words and with your smile. I know that you have the same feeling in your heart that I have when it comes to Earth Changes and this challenging process. Thank you very much for your work and dedication for Humanity, you are making the difference. Life is easier for me, because people like you exist on Earth. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart. Lots of Love.

Mónica (Spain)

Dear Evita, I have to tell you that you have SUCH a rare quality about you that just bursts out of you unashamedly in the MOST refreshing way. It’s like you are so full of life that you can’t contain it. You are changing, and will continue to change so many lives.

Robin Easton - Author, Speaker, Musician (NM, United States)

Hello Evita, I was guided by heart to your expression of self. I found your site to be an enriching contribution that showcases the light of who you are. I am impressed by what you have to share. By giving to others in such a positive way reach higher realms. Know that you are planting seeds of harmony and inspiration that walk people into a new reality. Your efforts help others flourish. Thank you for all that you are doing.

Micheal T. (ON, Canada)

Hi Evita, you are a lovely spirit and a wonderful example for us all. Hearing you speak on the internet offered much joy. Thank you.


I finally understand why Evita Ochel calls herself a consciousness expansion teacher. Her lectures have allowed me to continue to question my daily habits. With Evita’s guidance, I feel like a balloon that continues to expand and will someday turn into a hot air balloon that can embrace freedom and fly away.

Ann Simone (Canada)

You reflected to me all that is truly possible if I follow my heart, and I thank you for that…for being you and so open and willing to try something new and perhaps uncomfortable for you at times. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with you, Evita. I think you may not Know how much your presence truly means. I am honoring my gifts and I am using them to transform my life and others…in part because of what you reflect to me and how it is reflected…amazing!!!

Joy Holland - Clarity and Energy Movement Facilitator, Author (CA, United States)

Your shows are excellent, so much enrichment they provide.

Martin O. (United Kingdom)

Let me just say that you are amazing at what you do when it comes to health & wellness. You’re so unique & kind. Keep it up!

Jacob S. (SK, Canada)

Thank you for caring so much about our planet and helping us, the readers to become better beings and appreciate this beautiful life we have. Your site is such inspiration for me.

Metod (QC, Canada)

You ARE so creative! Your love of life shines through, and it’s clear that you’re very thoughtful. You see things (with your eyes and intuitively) and you think about them, and then you see even more, and the words are just emotions and impressions milling around waiting to be spilled out in any form… essays and photos…the things you see and the truths that come to you, and getting them on paper, and feeling them within.

Julie Riddle - Writer (AZ, United States)

I Love your site. I read about 4 articles this morning and I look forward to discovering your site, hoping to change my vibration any way I can to create the full life I should be living. Your bio page was especially rewarding to read, bless you for being who you are and spreading the message for all the me(s) out there.

Stephen (United States)

Thank you, Evita, your postings are always THE most ‘healthy’ postings for the Mind, Body and Spirit. You have a pure, magical feeling about you and it translates in everything you do, so thanks.

Helen P. (CA, United States)

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you tremendously. You are such an empowering and shining individual. Your presence these past few months has made a serious difference in what I’m going through. Your positiveness helped me to feel worthy, and to see and do certain things.

Ariel (Israel)

I wanted to tell you just how much of an influence you have had on my life. I have you to thank for making me so passionate on the topic of nutrition. Another thing that you taught me was the art of critical thinking. I cannot thank you enough for all of the support, inspiration and insight you have given me!

Kali (ON, Canada)

Thank you Evita for your amazing eloquent words…..so beautifully written and I am grateful and wanted to express that to you. I love your words……you write and express so beautifully……such a great great gift truly…..keep your words coming. I am blessed to have met you……thank you!!!

Kate (CA, United States)

A couple of years ago, I ‘friended’ you without really knowing why. I had not followed your videos, I had not read your words… nothing. Just a serendipitous discovery while web surfing and a little voice that seemed to say it was important to pay attention to you. Since then you’ve helped me become a better person… your insights have helped enrich my life. I just wanted to say THANK YOU.

Jerad (United States)

Thank you, Evita. Recently I left my 20-year career in high tech to finally pursue a life with purpose…your story inspired me so deeply that I am reaching out to thank you. I am a writer and have a blog. Part of my transition involves getting my inspiration writing out there to the world. Thank you again for inspiring me to keep going forward into my dream. Many Blessings.


Thank you so much for your inspirational words! You have helped me more than you know Evita! In so many of your amazing, insightful videos! Thank you for giving so freely of yourself to others! Blessings and Love to you! Namaste~ ♥ LuAnn

LuAnn (United States)

Just wanted to say thank you for the effort you have made to bring information to people that they may not have been able to attain otherwise. You have my gratitude and appreciation.

Scott (Australia)

The essence of who you are is communicated through your gentle and kind words. I am thankful I am able to meet like minded people and feel so inspired by your website and all of its beauty. They say the right people come into your life at the right time and again, you inspire me which will in effect create the ripple effect to so many others.

Wendy Carmichael Bauld - Artist (ON, Canada)

Thank you for helping Humanity to Awaken.


I can’t even describe in words how much your sites move me. I was introduced to this site today and I just can’t stop reading, your writing is so inspiring and thought provoking, I can connect with everything! I’ve been very interested in everything you write about for years and when I read your sites, it’s like reading my own thoughts and opinions - except that you articulated in a way that I never could but its absolutely amazing. Your so insightful and your sites are such a pleasure to read, they motivate me to make changes in my life that I’ve been wanting and needing to change for a long time.


I love reading your posts. They provide a wonderful insight into the journey of Conscious Evolution.

Nivedita Jagga (India)

Thank you so much for your videos and what you are doing to help others along. You have a special beautiful essence and I want to encourage you to continue as it has benefited me and I’m sure others.

Merlin (United States)